Everyone Needs a Wendy

Life Adventures

Get out and breathe in

An abundance of Nature is available to the enthusiast and varying abilities around Monmouth. 

My aim for one day was to visit the New Fancy Viewpoint wrapped in the Forest of Dean and to stand at the top of the trees and enjoy the birdlife. 

I am an avid bird watcher, just starting out on my twitching journey and keenly like to research the bird life.  An Eagle reintroduction programme has commenced in Wales which is fantastic. Birds of Prey are a unique delight but the most I saw was the wings and the unmistakable calls of a Buzzard. 

As a Reiki Practitioner I am very interested in Energy. 

We can’t see it, but we can feel it. Be it the connection between people or energy generated from the land, nuclear, the planets full of starlit skies or the energy from the moon which controls the tides of the ocean. Energy fascinates me.

Standing in the middle of the Forest of Dean I could feel the energy as I sat in silence leaning against a tree, Forest Bathing. 

Yes, bathing in a forest. How is this possible? And no……. not naked. 

Forest Bathing is about taking a mindful moment to wake up the senses to listen, feel, see and gather some balance amongst a family and community of trees. 

Since 2015 I have had major health issues and through pain, asthma, anxiety, PTSD. I don’t seem to have been breathing properly. For a few months I worked on a 1:1 basis with a yoga teacher which was invaluable in helping me manage my life again. 

If you start to practice mindfulness, like many, you will experience that it can be quite challenging to quiet the mind. As challenging as doing exercise, the sweats are just different. 

Walking hills and pushing myself has had a mixture of impact. First, I am full of pain as my bones hurt so I have been having a lot of warm showers and using warm coconut oil to soothe my body. Coconut Oil is so nourishing for the body is many many ways. I would have shares in coconuts if I could. 

The second is my brain. Connecting in, pushes my brain and its negativity (being overweight I critique myself with some very cruel words). However, if I go gentle but push on at my pace, in my way, I feel good and feel a sense of achievement. 

Some would say my mountain was a their mole hill, but as I am learning to breathe again, trust my body and push myself, it was such a delight to get to the top, even though I didn’t see the infamous Goshawk. Maybe next time…..

Skip Skip 

With Smiles,


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