Everyone Needs a Wendy

Travel Adventures

Follow, Follow the Sun or the A272 and the A303

This month’s travel adventure didn’t involve much travel as Kita, the cockapoo I was caring for, had just had knee surgery, and we were on strict recovery instructions from the vet. My business is to support the owners and follow the rules. The best decision for Kita’s health was to leave mytwo needy hooligans (my rescue French Bulldogs) back in Somerset, which I know Gin would have hated if she understood, as Kita is her best mate.  

You cannot do much when a dog must be caged with minimal movement. So, what did I do? Finally, I got around to watching Derry Girls, which is hilarious and incredible writing, or I was staring at my computer thinking of which chapter to write next for my book.  

Eventually, I became inventive as the days loomed ahead of us. So, what did we do? We played games and went on an adventure!  I recommend teaching your dog how to use their nose and their brains other than their legs, especially if they must undergo this surgery. And it is highly recommended by the vet.

 Play with your nose…

After a few days, though, Kita was going out of her mind with boredom, as was I. We needed some air and a change of scenery.  

With great care, I lifted all 24 kilos of this loveable moose into the car so that her leg was not placed on the ground first. Once she settled down, I turned the radio on, and before we knew it, she was smiling, the wind in her face and her furry ears were flapping wildly. Yes, the things that I do for my work and the happiness of the animals. 

Happy Dog Days

After of week of care and recuperation, it’s time to say goodbye to Kita.  I will miss her terribly as I have cared for her since she was 15 weeks old, but it is time to head back home to the level Land of Somerset, the needy hooligans.  

I start my journey on the A272, an old pilgrimage route. In the 1980s, it achieved additional fame, being featured in the first episode of Monty Python! It is the scene where Pablo Picasso takes part in a bicycle ride whilst painting a masterpiece! Typical ‘Pythonesque’ humour! 

In 1995 this road was back in the day the local newspapers featured in the Tour de France. This was the first time the Tour had ever visited the UK, and the peloton whizzed along this medieval road, which dates back to C1000. 

The A272 is not for those who want to drive at speed and must be somewhere within minutes. These roads are meant to be enjoyed, savoured almost! Don’t rush and relish the beauty of the landscape; maybe even stop and savour the produce offered at various laybys, vineyards, farms and cafes—all waiting to be explored along the route. Petworth is worth such a stop. This National Trust location is full of events and adventures for all ages, and I believe dogs too. 

Then onto Winchester, as I head North on the A34 for a short distance before I hit the home run of the A303, back to my beloved Somerset. 

The A303 was formed in 1933, as many roads going West date back some 2000 years, and a restructuring project was much needed to make a clear route to the West Country for the next generations of adventurers and holidaymakers. Road improvements are always a subject of much debate, but we humans like to wander around.  

My imagination runs wild as I take this route and its historical links.  It may be a ‘new’ road, but the countryside has reminders that many of our ancestors would follow the sun to find peace, walking a path to the sun and the West.  

There is nothing like the A303 on a sunrise road trip; the light and the undulating hills start to unfold as we enter Wiltshire. The farmers are busy harvesting and making hay while the sun shines.  

I smile inside as I am nearly home. As the traffic stops and then creeps along as passers-by enjoy Stonehenge.  The energy around these fields and rocks nourishes the romantic in me, conjuring images of ancient ceremonial gatherings of a shared belief amongst nature.

But as this sign opposite Stonehenge states, some are not welcome on these lands.   

The End of Boris?  

Once I leave the A303, taking the A372 towards Langport and the Somerset Levels, the playlist is replaced when I open the windows, and the car is filled with the warm breeze and the start of the morning chorus. 

My pilgrimage to my newly found peace and home is almost complete. Within minutes the birdlife is abundant as I see herons, swans and hedge sparrows enjoying the morning with great delight.  

I pull over, take a breath and slow my pace down to enjoy the wonders of this land. Peace has been found, well of sorts – until I walk through the door and get loved bombed by the hooligans. Eventually, stability and normality are restored when Ginny love bombs me, then crashes on the sofa and starts snoring like a drunk! 

With Smiles,


One thought on “Follow, Follow the Sun or the A272 and the A303

  1. Love this. It is a great drive and in the summer, highly recommend timing this drive to hit the west as the sun sets, it’s so beautiful.

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