Everyone Needs a Wendy


“It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do that is the secret of happiness.”

“It’s a good day, when you go after your dreams.”

Online Offerings

Personal & Spiritual Development

There are many ways to live life and earn our living.

Sometimes we may close our eyes and jump hoping for the best or we are lost and cannot see the wood for the trees and don’t know which way to turn next.

Here is how Everyone Needs A Wendy can help you or your business with online bespoke personal plan to suit your lifestyle and needs and get the best out of your world, from your career to personal relationships or creating a happy home life.


Each season will consist of

Open discussion to identify your needs and
Debate Solutions and what will work for you and your schedule

Offerings with Spiritual Support from Reiki, Crystals, Astrology and Spiritual Card Readings suited to individual needs.

Create a plan for your self-help toolbox you can carry throughout your life.  


Examples of previous offering with individuals

Just for today – Being Mindful with emotions and impact .

Earn your living honestly – get back to work, work well with long term illness, how to be better and realistic in your achievements.

Showing gratitude – Work with what you have to A+ your life from your career, relationships to creating a balanced functioning home.


Monthly Online Offerings

 –Coming Soon! Full Moon Healing via Eventbrite starting from Summer 2025

Case studies

I've been working with Wendy Turner for over a year. I have learned so much, it has been invaluable throughout a very traumatic time in my family's life. Not only has Wendy taught me to process and recognise -my own personal issues, she has helped to help the people I hold very close to my heart! So the positive advice and self awareness, I've been taught, ripples throughout my family, in order to heal.. And we have...With her continued support, we are thriving. When difficult situations arise, we all have a newfound positive mindset and energy. My family and I could never be a this point without Wendy's patience, understanding, compassion, humanity and empathy for our unique traumas. Thank you Wendy from the bottom of my heart.

Anon Mentoring

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